
  gaz - et - teer: a geographical index or dictionary

This Historical Gazetteer is a geographical database of place names found in historical documents.  Instead of just helping you find locations in the present or recent past, it can guide you to them based on earlier names, alternate spellings, time period, and other criteria.

Gazetteer fields include:

  • Place name: location name with variant names and spellings, date built, recorded, or destroyed;
  • County Name and U.S.G.S. Quadrangle;
  • U.S.G.S. Point Number;
  • DescriptionGeolocatorFeature Type, and Subtype;
  • Reference number(s) [in brackets]

Each row of search results begins with links to the Geolocator GIS and (when available) to Google Maps. The former displays a place's location within the boundaries of the original deed or land grant. The latter points to the specific location on a modern map. Use this Historical Gazetteer with the GIS search features found in Advanced Catalog Search and Full Search to find more extensive information about places of interest.

At present, this historical gazetteer focuses on places that fall within the boundaries of present day Jefferson County, WV.  In the future it will be expanded to include other West Virginia counties and relevant adjacent locations. Soon, we will be adding separate, searchable maps for municipalities so you can locate specific structures, see where people lived, and view other demographic information.

Click HERE to view a reference list for the sources cited. * * * * * Click HERE to view the tutorial.

Feature Date to 
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